Welcome aboard Revinsight, the podcast that helps you understand how organizations and individuals adopt, utilize, and track VR results.
Revinsight #25 – April 18th, 2024
Guest: Lorenz S. Neuwirth, Associate Professor of Biopsychology at The SUNY College Old Westbury and at the SUNY Neuroscience Research Institute in New York (USA)
Maxime Ros:
“Today, I’m honored to receive Lorenz S. Neuwirth. Lorenz is Associate Professor of Biopsychology at SUNY College at Old Westbury and SUNY Neuroscience Research Institute in New York.
Hey, Lorenz, what is one of the key points to consider regarding the experience deployments?“
Lorenz S. Neuwirth:
“For me, there are two trends and the evolution of technologies is critical.
First, mixed reality because VR is proven to be an effective educational tool. But if we can add and interact with virtually images on top of the real world and guide, for example, healthcare professionals in their procedures, it would be even more powerful.
And second, I strongly believe that technology evolution will also improve haptic feedbacks to be closer to the reality.
And I think the ultimate goal of such technology would be to replace on the long term traditional simulation methods that requires, for example, bone and human models or even cadaveric specimens.“