A training tool for manufacturers

Boost your risk prevention & speed up job intake !

We have developed an innovative solution that lets you widely disseminate a technical maneuver or complex procedure effectively and more quickly.

Even better, the immersive virtual reality experience combined with the use of video sequences filmed on site promotes awareness of the risks inherent in the situation and the working environment. This makes learners better prepared when the situation arises in real life.

For this reason, immersive tutorials are a particularly effective tool for increasing accident awareness, because they are so realistic and have a strong sensory and emotional impact.

How does it work ?

Our starting point is the sum of several scientific facts concerning learning by imitation.

Therefore, it was clear from the outset that the first-person point of view in a real context, using a virtual reality headset, vastly improved skill acquisition.

Therefore, we invented and patented a new capture system that lets us film from the first-person point of view of a professional.

The images are recorded from the professional’s point of view. This gives us the impression, when we watch the tutorial, that we are in the professional’s body and that his or her hands are ours!

Optimize learning

This first-person point of view makes our immersive tutorials a particularly effective tool for increasing accident awareness because they are so realistic and have a strong sensory and emotional impact.

Moreover, recent studies have proved that combining learning by imitation and a first-person point of view makes learning more effective and reliable.

The results of our solution confirm it : increased retention rate, reduced overall training time, and better memorization, in any area of application!

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Our Results

Increased Retention Rate

The collaboration between Keyros Medica and the Arkema group has achieved an information retention rate at least twice as high as that obtained with previous devices.

A Real Time Savings

A study of companies that used virtual reality showed more than an 80% gain in training time. Keyros Medica is improving this figure in the context of acquisition of technical procedures, without sacrificing learning quality.

A Tool for Integrating New Hires

This learning tool is particularly well-suited to promoting risk awareness among learners or new hires by preventively identifying risky situations as early as possible.

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How It Applies to Your Needs

Strengthen Your Risk Prevention Measures

In 2019, there were nearly 592,000 work-related accidents that resulted in at least 4 lost work days, which were recorded. This represents nearly 46 million lost work days and the loss of 730 employees. Workplace safety is a major subject that requires constant reminders.

Today, risk prevention is one of the uses for virtual reality most frequently explored by companies.

There’s nothing surprising about that:
• First, personnel safety is a core concern of companies, who are constantly looking for new ways to keep employees vigilant.
• Second, virtual reality allows any hazardous or risky situation to be simulated and experienced by users in complete safety, without the slightest risk.

In this field, Keyros Medica’s immersive tutorials provide a response especially well-suited to risk prevention: their mixture of virtual reality and first-person 3D video ensure optimal user immersion, as well as a strong sensory and emotional impact, ideal for improving awareness of the risks specific to each workplace/company.
Moreover, because they are always available on any platform (VR headsets, smartphones, tablets, and computers) there are no usage limits, no matter how many people need the awareness training or the number of sessions.

Use case Arkema

How Arkema has multiplied the effectiveness of its risk prevention operations a with the Keyros Medica solution

Accelerating Onboarding

How can new arrivals be trained starting up the production equipment or exposing them to risks? Refine the onboarding of new employees with immersive training modules. They will discover and be able to comprehend their work environment without being exposed to danger.

Creating an immersive tutorial around your medical device allows you to immerse new arrivals an ultra-realistic user experience so that they can quickly grasp the functions and procedures related to your machines. It is a safe solution for your new employees and you. They will arrive on the job nearly trained, which is a real time saver.

The big advantage of our solution is that your tutorial can also be used to disseminate good practices or new procedures to existing employees and ensure the safety of everyone in the company.

“By using the easy-to-use autonomous VR headset, we were able to streamline our process and train all of the employees, including shift workers, who are not always easy to reach.”

Nicolas Gourg

Digital Manufacturing Coordinator at Arkema

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